Contribution to the future EU Strategy on Energy System Integration 5.6.2020
The basis for a truly integrated energy system should be a well-functioning, transparent energy market, where suppliers and consumers can meet each other easilyFeedback on the EU's 2030 Climate Target Plan 5.6.2020
Paikallisvoima (Local Power) appreciates this opportunity to give feedback on the 2030 Climate Target Plan. In our view, climate change is a global threat and the EU-level action is needed to counter it. Therefore, we welcome the Commission’s plan of setting a binding target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and see adjusting the GHG emission reduction targets for 2030 as important for reaching that target."Local energy companies are needed to reach climate goals" 30.9.2019
Local Power Finland and Geode organised a joint seminar in Brussels on the 25th of September 2019. The theme of the seminar was the role of local energy companies in the EU's energy transition.Local Power Finland to organise a joint seminar with Geode in Brussels 9.9.2019
Local Power Finland and Geode are organizing a joint seminar in Brussels on 25th of September. The theme of the seminar is the role of local energy companies in the energy transition.Implementation of and deviation from the environmental objectives of water resources management 18.6.2019
The fulfilment of the environmental objectives and the need for permit changes forcing further measures to be taken should always be considered case-specifically for each power plant permit. All water bodies and power plants are unique and setting common objectives for all would be unreasonable and ill-advised in view of the environment.District heating is the solution for the future 12.4.2019
The environmental benefits of district heating are indisputable. Back in the early days, the proliferation of district heating had a significant impact on the improvement of air quality in cities. Nowadays, district heating networks enable the effective reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.Survey: Nine out of ten Finns would restrict telemarketing or ban it altogether 23.11.2018
The majority of consumers see telemarketing as disruptive and would rather contact the seller on their own. Most would allow telemarketing only if the customer has consented to it.Demand response - a solution to market turns? 6.7.2018
Upheavals in electricity production force the operators in the field to consider new rules for the electricity market. Local Power’s Executive Director Toivo Hurme summarises the main points of what has been accomplished by the Smart Grid Working Group mapping the needs for change of the electricity market over the last two years.